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202 Forest Street
Jacksonville, FL 32204


Why I Foster and Adopt

Tracey Lukkarila

By Lisa Graham

I tend to take on the dogs with special needs. Like the dog that needed time to heal from an imbedded collar. Or dogs healing from surgery or dogs that need a foster so they can have the surgery they need or dogs that need fostering through heartworm treatment.

Do you know Friends of Jacksonville Animals (FOJA) here in Jacksonville helps Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) cover heartworm treatments and some surgeries? They also help with special tests the shelter can’t do themselves.

I have fostered many dogs that need socialization and time with friendly dogs so they can learn to have fun and learn to be a real dog. Then there are those that are called “foster failures.” These are dogs that started as fosters but I adopted. They’re not foster failures to me though. They were chosen for me and I was always supposed to adopt them. 

Below are a few of the special dogs I have helped.

Some people say I’m special for helping these dogs. The truth is I’m selfish. I may help these dogs, but the way they make ME feel when they trust me after not trusting anyone is something I strive for. That first kiss, the first time they come up to me and roll over for a belly rub and the first time they want to climb in my lap makes my life better. 

 Don’t you want those feelings too?

 Go by the shelter, look at the dogs or cats, find one you want to foster or maybe you’ll find one you want to adopt. They need you! They need us to help them, to love them, to give them a nice place to sleep, to wrap our arms around them and cuddle. Maybe you need those cuddles just as much. 

Visit ACPS Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm at 2020 Forest Street Jacksonville FL 32204.

Vinnie & Gordon

Vinnie was living on a chain almost dead from starvation when I rescued him. I worked on fattening him up and he is the love of my life at 13 now. I fostered Gordon through leg surgery and he became a helper dog working with dogs that had issues with other dogs. He stayed calm and didn’t react to growls or barks directed at him. 

Mama & Dyson

 Dyson the blind dog that was so chill and happy in his own little world or cuddled up with his buddy. 

Mama, an old female dog taken from a hoarding situation who had many litters. She was bowlegged and blind in one eye, but loved taking care of other dogs whether scared or sick. I think she played mama dog to the other dogs because she couldn’t be with her own puppies. 


Then there is the dog Crosby that was rescued from a fighting ring who was terrified of people more than dogs. Dogs taught him how to be a real dog and that he could trust most people.